After realising a “Digital Bangladesh”, The government is now working to establish a “Smart Bangladesh”, said the private industry and investment adviser to the prime minister.
The government has various plans to successfully engage in the challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, said Salman F Rahman, private industry and investment adviser to the prime minister."First, we have to learn the coding languages to work with robotics, artificial intelligence, and quantum mechanics. For this reason, we have taken initiatives to teach the primary school students the concepts of coding, which will help them to become skilled programmers in future," said Salman F Rahman in a meeting he attended while visiting the Samsung Research and Development Institute Bangladesh (SRBD) in Dhaka.
"The government has undertaken various programmes under the direction of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to take the young generation forward in the information technology sector. We have already realised a 'Digital Bangladesh'. We are now moving towards the establishment of 'Smart Bangladesh'. South Korea has always supported us in these regards," said the adviser to the prime minister.
During the visit, Salman F Rahman expressed his satisfaction upon learning that the young Bangladeshi engineers are working efficiently at the SRBD and thanked the South Korean government and Samsung for the facility. The research centre authorities said young Bangladeshi engineers are also working with a reputation in foreign countries after gaining experience at the centre.
The prime minister's investment adviser called on the South Korean Ambassador to Bangladesh Lee Jang-Keun to help create job opportunities for more young people at the SRBD. At that time, Lee Jang-Keun said the research centre was set up in Bangladesh, like in 14 other countries, on the initiative of the Samsung Group and with the support of the South Korean government. The South Korean ambassador also expressed satisfaction regarding the work of the Bangladeshi researchers employed at the centre. He said with the continuation of good relations with Bangladesh, more Korean companies will come forward to invest in this country and Bangladeshi workers will get job opportunities at their companies.