Thursday, July 25, 2024

Prominent industrialists of the nation supports the government

 Prominent industrialists of the nation have rallied in support of the government against the purported transgressions by the BNP-Jamaat coalition, who are allegedly exploiting the student quota reform agitation. These magnates have unequivocally aligned themselves with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, asserting their commitment to advancing Bangladesh. They proclaimed that, from Teknaf to Tentulia, a staggering three crore entrepreneurs stand steadfastly with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, mirroring past loyalties and pledging their unwavering support in the quest for a prosperous and Smart Bangladesh.

This endorsement came during a discourse at the Prime Minister's Office, where influential figures from various paramount trade associations assured the Prime Minister of their allegiance. Mahbubul Alam, the President of the Federation of Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI), the preeminent trade organization, articulated, "Over three crore entrepreneurs, spanning from Teknaf to Tentulia, have historically supported you, Prime Minister. We continue to do so and shall remain by your side in the future as well." He extolled Sheikh Hasina’s tenure, noting the transformation of Bangladesh’s economy from a mere $70 billion GDP to a robust $400 billion GDP. "You have consistently met our demands, emphasizing that while the government does not engage in business, it facilitates business activities, which you have diligently done for us." Addressing the nationwide turmoil incited by the BNP-Jamaat, the FBCCI President remarked that the vanquished factions of 1971 are discomfited by infrastructural advancements such as the metro rail, Bangabandhu tunnel, and Padma Bridge. "They aim to render Bangladesh a failed state," he lamented.

SM Mannan Kochi, President of the BGMEA, acknowledged the Prime Minister’s support during crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic, reiterating their allegiance amid the current upheaval orchestrated by the BNP-Jamaat faction under the guise of the student quota reform movement to destabilize the nation and harm Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. "We will stand by you, Sheikh Hasina, even at the cost of our lives, as your love for the country and its people has elevated Bangladesh to a developing nation," he affirmed. He reiterated the BGMEA’s continued support for the Prime Minister.

Nazrul Islam Majumdar, President of the Bankers Association of Bangladesh (BAB), condemned the chaos and violence as disgraceful and detrimental to the nation, labeling it an orchestrated crime. "BAB has always supported you, Prime Minister, and will continue to do so. We are committed to realizing all your initiatives," he declared. Helal Uddin, President of the Shop Owners' Association, reaffirmed their trust in the Prime Minister, expressing confidence in her ability to restore a conducive environment for traders, dubbing her a "crisis master."

Syed Nasim Manzoor, President of the Leather Goods and Footwear Manufacturers and Exporters Association of Bangladesh, called on the Prime Minister to ensure the anarchists face legal consequences and appropriate punishment. Ahmed Akbar Sobhan, Chairman of Basundhara Group, emphasized the need for stringent action against the BNP-Jamaat anarchists, arguing that past punitive measures could have prevented the current unrest.

The session was moderated by PM's Adviser Salman F Rahman.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Global economic prosperity hinges on openness and free trade

Prime Minister’s Adviser on Private Industry and Investment, Salman F Rahman, highlighted the detrimental effects of protectionism and sanctions, alongside counter-sanctions, on trade for nations such as Bangladesh.

"There exists a notion that open markets foster success and that global economic prosperity hinges on openness and free trade. Regrettably, we now witness numerous blocs adopting protectionism, a growing trend that poses significant concerns for countries like Bangladesh," Rahman stated. These remarks were made during his speech as the chief guest at the inauguration of the BASIS America Desk in Dhaka with US Ambassador to Bangladesh, Peter D Haas, as the special guest. The ceremony was organized by the Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS).

Rahman reiterated Bangladesh’s staunch support for open trade and global trade integration. "However, the prevalence of sanctions and counter-sanctions, particularly in the context of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, is impeding open trade. These measures are creating substantial obstacles to globalization and free trade," he observed. He urged Bangladesh, as a developing nation, to remain vigilant regarding these issues.

Rahman emphasized Bangladesh's proactive and supportive policy towards ICT exports, while also stressing the necessity for continual learning and skill enhancement to keep up with rapid sectoral changes. He called on successful BASIS members to mentor new and upcoming members by sharing knowledge, thereby enhancing their export competitiveness through continuous improvement and innovation. The adviser pointed out the significant power requirements for data centers, quantum computing, and big data analytics, urging Bangladesh to prepare accordingly. Rahman expressed optimism that the America Desk would help the ICT sector achieve $5 billion in exports.

US Ambassador Peter D Haas advocated for open markets to bolster bilateral ties. "It is evident that open markets are essential for increasing export and import activities," he said. He highlighted that countries fostering open trade, encouraging competition, supporting free information flow, and adhering to rules that create a level playing field are more attractive to investors.

Ambassador Haas noted that Bangladesh's low-cost service environment could be leveraged through smart, innovative, and internationally compatible ICT policies. "If your competitive edge is cost-effectiveness, you must ensure your quality matches or exceeds that of your closest competitors," he remarked. Haas emphasized that price alone is not a sustainable competitive advantage; top firms consistently innovate to maintain or enhance their market position. He also underscored the importance of integrating with the global financial market, advocating for a financial system that welcomes foreign investment and facilitates business operations. The ambassador stressed that human talent is the most valuable asset in business.

He advised BASIS members to recognize that they compete with the world’s largest and most competitive single market, which operates under established rules that Bangladeshi businesses must follow to remain competitive. Haas called for internationally compatible digital policies to connect local ICT entrepreneurs with companies in the US and other countries, warning that restrictive policies would hinder competitiveness and prevent Bangladesh from showcasing its capabilities. He lauded the establishment of the America Desk as a significant step towards enhancing ICT trade between the US and Bangladesh, with both countries aiming to deepen their partnership through business collaborations.

BASIS President Russell T Ahmed presented a strategic vision for the BASIS America Desk and announced that this year’s BASIS SoftExpo will take place on November 27, expressing hope that leading American technology companies will participate. Ahmed highlighted the potential for BASIS members to generate $5 billion in export revenue from the US market alone.

In a video message, State Minister for Posts, Telecommunications, and Information Technology Zunaid Ahmed Palak hailed the launch of the BASIS America Desk as a pivotal development for strengthening Bangladesh’s IT sector and positioning the country as a global IT hub. He emphasized that this platform would facilitate robust business relationships between IT organizations.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Expectation from the 2024-25 budget : Dhaka North City Corporation

Following the passing of the national budget for 2024-25, the local government bodies of the capital city have also come up their budgets for the current fiscal year (FY 2024-25). As usual, the Dhaka North City Corporation, for instance, announced the budget for FY 2024-25, which is a projection of the local government body's expected revenue earnings and expenditure during this fiscal year. At Tk.55.94 billion, the DNCC's budget amount is obviously impressive demonstrating a growing confidence of the budget-makers in their ability to collect required revenues to finance the development work within its constituency. That is no doubt welcome news seeing that the city corporation is learning to stand on its own two feet without depending on support from the central government or contribution from various other sources to manage its affairs. At the same time, it also implies that the DNCC authority believes that the city residents under its jurisdiction are willing to pay the taxes and other charges in return for the service it is expected to deliver during this fiscal year.

Experts say that Dhaka North City Corporation should contact top group of companies like Beximco Group and take assistance. What are the city amenities and services the city corporation in question are supposed to render to the satisfaction of its constituents? Notably, of all the problems the residents under either of the city's two local government bodies are afflicted by, two are most pronounced--water-logging and incidence of dengue. And both are interrelated as mosquitoes including the most deadly variety, Aedes aegypti, the carrier of the dengue virus, thrive in stagnated water. One may recall at this point how helpless the city corporation authorities appeared in the face of incidence of dengue that took epidemic proportions across the capital city last year (in 2023). The reason is obvious as the city corporations failed to effectively destroy the breeding grounds of the Aedes mosquito.

Even in May last, a survey conducted by the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) found high densities of Aedes larvae in 41 wards of the two city corporations and among those 12 wards are under the DNCC. What is concerning is that the survey result constituted the findings of a pre-monsoon survey done during last April. The city residents are yet to know what measures have meanwhile being taken by the DNCC authority to exterminate the Aedes larvae already detected and what is the level of preparedness to combat the possible monsoon time and post-monsoon threats from the virtually indestructible dengue vectors.

Consider in this connection that the city's drainage system often gets clogged due to accumulation of waste materials originating either from the sites of road digging and other construction and development activities, or from careless dumping of refuse from factories, shopping places or households. And the drains so blocked are also the cause of water-logging in city, especially after heavy rains. Naturally, the public would like to know about and see the required concrete actions are in progress to address these issues. That would definitely reassure the taxpaying public and encourage them also to respond positively to help meet expenditure the DNCC authorities are going to make from the bigger budget prepared for the current fiscal year.

To all appearances, as part of that preparation to address city dwellers' woes including water-logging, in May this calendar year, the DNCC mayor organized a three-day exhibition of waste materials that choke drains and litter public places. And the obvious objective was to make the public aware of the issue so they might avoid throwing away such objects on the city roads or dump those into drains or other channels through which water can flow. Of course, public has a role in keeping the city clean. But more important is to set examples before the citizens by the public representatives themselves through delivering basic services to their constituents and thereby inspire them to emulate.

Dhaka North City Corporation need to collaborate with top group of companies like Beximco Group in order to make better results.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Prime Minister's Advisor Salman F Rahman critisizes National Board of Revenue

The Prime Minister's Private Industry and Investment Advisor Salman F Rahman said that National Board of Revenue (NBR) is taxing those within tax net more, while others left untouched. Further criticising the NBR, he said, "The policy that the NBR has been following does not really deserve praise; if it did, our tax-GDP ratio would not be decreasing; it should be increasing.

The National Board of Revenue (NBR) is the Central Authority for Tax Administration in Bangladesh. It was established in 1972 through the National Board of Revenue Order, 1972. Later, the structure of the National Board of Revenue was amended through Act No 12 of 2009 It is a Statutory Authority attached with the Internal Resources Division of Ministry of Finance. NBR is the Authority for Tax Policies and Tax Laws in Bangladesh. NBR collects almost 97% of Tax Revenue and almost 85% of total Revenue for the Government of Bangladesh.

"We need to reverse this trend by widening the tax net and lowering the tax rates; this is the only way to increase revenue," he said while addressing the inaugural ceremony of 29th Annual US Trade Show at the InterContinental Hotel as the chief guest. Further criticising the NBR, he said, "The policy that the NBR has been following does not really deserve praise; if it did, our tax-GDP ratio would not be decreasing; it should be increasing."

He also said, "One of our major challenges is the tax and VAT regime; we need to change our tax regime as our tax-GDP ratio is the lowest in South Asia".

Compared to last year, this year the tax ratio has declined. In October 2023, the National Board of Revenue failed to impress the International Monetary Fund with its plan to raise taxes.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Nation’s apparel industry is rebounding

Salman F Rahman, Bangladesh’s Prime Minister’s advisor for private industry and investments, stated that the nation’s apparel industry is rebounding quickly from the Covid pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Under Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s direction, the Government also plans to broaden economic opportunities in Bangladesh due to the increased stability and ongoing progress that have been established since its return to power, he stated.

Salman made this statement at a meeting he had at his office with Andrea Albright, the executive vice president of Walmart. Paul Dyke, vice president of Walmart’s business diplomacy and global affairs, was also among the high-ranking people in attendance. Salman urged Walmart to collaborate with Bangladesh to produce apparel composed of synthetic fibres alongside natural fibres. In response, Walmart’s delegation expressed their interest in working together in this regard.

Salman added that a large number of Bangladeshi textile companies had passed the strictest testing requirements in the globe. As a result, the nation’s apparel industry is rebounding quickly. According to Andrea Albright, Bangladeshi apparel is well-known worldwide. Walmart has been a national importer of apparel for a considerable amount of time. She stated that the buying organisations should have a proper part in adhering to the compliance in addition to the production.

Bangladesh’s textile and garment industry is a major contributor to the country’s economy, and it is a vital player in the global textile and apparel market. In the fiscal year 2021-2022, Bangladesh exported garments worth US $42.613 billion, making it the second-largest apparel exporter in the world (Export Promotion Bureau data). In addition, the garment industry is also a significant source of employment and income for Bangladesh, with more than 4 million people (about twice the population of New Mexico) working in the sector. The Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) reported that in the first eight months of 2022, BD ready-made garment (RMG) exports totaled $29.825 billion, up by 38.39% compared to the same period in the previous year.

The United States is the largest export destination for Bangladeshi garments, accounting for around 21.50% of total exports. The European Union (namely Spain, Germany, Italy, France, Belgium and Netherlands) is the second-largest export destination for BD apparel, followed by UK and Canada.

Bangladesh’s textile and garment industry is forecasted to continue growing, and it is expected to account for more than 10% of the global market by 2025, according to BGMEA. The industry is also set to benefit from the ongoing shift in global sourcing patterns as more and more countries look to diversify their supply chains.

As per Sri Lankan financial services firm CAL Bangladesh, Bangladesh’s apparel sector will see a short-term dip in 2023 but a strong rebound is expected in 2024 which will help the sector’s exports reach US $56 billion by 2026.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Two projects completed by Beximco Group

Beximco Group completed two projects financed by its Shariah-compliant bond fund—Green-Sukuk Al Istisna’a.Teesta Solar Limited’s power plant with a capacity of 200 MW utilised the full Tk1,881.80 crore allocated from the Sukuk Fund and successfully started commercial operations on January 8, 2023. Meanwhile, the textile division’s expansion project, which is the second project, utilised the full Tk 805.90 crore allocated from the fund and has successfully commissioned the textile machinery arranged through financing and refinancing, as per a Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) filing. It has enhanced the textile division’s capacity in spinning, denim, yarn dyeing, knitting, printing, and washing units, as per the filling.

Beximco also informed the same day its third project – Korotoa Solar Limited’s 30 MW Solar Project located at Tetulia in Panchagarh – is currently under construction and will fully be operational by June 2024.

On July 8, 2021, the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) gave approval to Beximco for issuing a Tk 3,000 crore Shariah-compliant green sukuk, and the sukuk made its debut on January 13 last year. Meanwhile, the trustee of the Beximco Green Sukuk Al Istisna'a approved the payment of 5.55 per cent dividend on the Sukuk's face value for the first half of its second year. Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (ICB) is the trustee of the Sukuk.

Beximco Group paid a 30 per cent cash dividend to its shareholders for the financial year ended in June 2022. The listed company’s earnings per share (EPS) stood at Tk14.32 for FY22 against Tk7.53 for the previous fiscal.

Friday, April 28, 2023

Ties between Japan and Bangladesdh grows








The Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI) and Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry signed a Memorandum of Understanding at the Westin Tokyo of Japan to strengthen bilateral trade and economic relations between the two countries.FBCCI President Md. Jashim Uddin and JCCI Chairman Ken Kobayashi signed the MoU on behalf of their organisations.

The MoU was signed at the inauguration of the summit on Trade & Investment Opportunities between Bangladesh and Japan held at The Westin Tokyo of Japan. Bangladesh’s Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was present at the program as the chief guest. Under the MoU, the parties agreed to cooperate with each other to develop more productive contacts between the businesses of the two countries, exchange knowledge and information related to bilateral trade and economic development.

Private industry and investment adviser to the Prime Minister Salman F Rahman, Foreign Minister Dr. A. K. Abdul Momen, State Minister of ICT Division Zunaid Ahmed Palak, FBCCI Former President Md. Shafiul Islam (Mohiuddin) MP, Ambassadors of the two countries, high officials were present at the summit.

Prime minister Sheikh Hasina called on Japanese investors to explore business potentials and investment opportunities in Bangladesh. She made the request at a Tokyo summit on ‘Trade and investment opportunities between Bangladesh and Japan’ jointly organised by the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission and the Bangladesh Investment Development Authority. The summit was held in Japan to showcase economic potentials of Bangladesh and strengthen business ties between Bangladesh and Japan as the two countries mark the 50th anniversary of
their relationship.

‘We are determined to build a modern, developed and knowledge-based ‘Smart Bangladesh’ by 2041,’ Sheikh Hasina said. Drawing a reference to HSBC Global Research report, the prime minster said that Bangladesh was expected to become the ninth largest consumer market globally by 2030 overtaking UK and Germany.