Saturday, May 15, 2021

Export-oriented factories must begin to open

Country's export-oriented factories must begin to open slowly, said Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's private sector adviser Salman F Rahman. But of course by maintaining necessary health protocols.

According to the policy maker and parliament member, "We have to take a decision. We have the Sweden model in front of us; they did not enforce lockdown. In China's Wuhan, a second wave of infections is taking place. Germany and France are still suffering, new infections and deaths are happening, but still they are opening up their factories."

He said this virtually where business leaders, economists, editors and policymakers joined the discussion. he later asked the Federation of Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI) to prepare a guideline on how this could be done.

The session was moderated by FBCCI President Sheikh Fazle Fahim. The discussion was also attended by the leaders of DCCI, BGMEA, BKMEA, BTMA, Editors' Guilds, ATCO and various business chambers and associations. Sheikh Fahim said the government was talking to the World Health Organization (WHO) and other global bodies to prepare the health protocols so that opening up factories could be done in line with global standards.

Rubana Huq, president of the BGMEA, said they were under pressure to allow opening of 856 factories. She said global buyers had cancelled orders worth more than $3 billion and now it was crucial to reopen the factories. She also suggested opening up the factories zone-wise, in a limited way and under a decided timeframe.